OFARTS.CA was established with the gracious technical support and the generous financial assistance of the Association of Former Foreign Service Communicators, the AFFSC. Please visit their web site at:
OFARTS.CA is particularly grateful for the assistance of George McKeever and the Executive of the AFFSC for his assistance and their support in this endeavor.
RHOMA-ACMAR is the Canadian Retired Heads of Mission Association web site.
The CANDOERS is the American counterpart to the AFFSC. Bob Catlin manages their web site and welcomes visits by Canadian technicians and communicators. There are a few retired Canadian technicians and communicators who are members of their organization.
© OFARTS Canada 2006 - Old Foreign Affairs Retired Technicians, Canada - The opinions expressed here are those of the contributors. Facts have not been verified in all cases. Please e-mail any concerns to "services@ofarts.ca".