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OFARTS Mailbag

From: Michel Trepanier  
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2012 13:10
Subject: Grand father / Grand pere / Papous / Büyük baba / ?? ???

It is with pride and joy that I wish to inform you that my first grand son was born this morning, Lucas Robert Trépanier, weighing 8 lbs 9 ounces.  After 48 hours of labor, the mother, Kelly, and son, are both well and resting at the Civic Hospital in Ottawa while the father, Jezreel, is excited beyond words.  Everything went well and yes, the baby looks just like Kelly.  See attached photo.
C'est avec tres grande joie et honeur que vous informe de la naissance de mon premier petit fils, Lucas Robert Trépanier, pesant 8 livres 9 onces.  Apres 48 heures de travail, la maman, Kelly et son fils, se reposent a l'Hopital Civic d'Ottawa pendant que papa Jezreel ne peut se contenir d'excitements.  Tout s'est bien passé, et le bébé ressemble a sa maman come deux goutes d'eau. (voir photo attachée)

Michel Trépanier


From: Lou 
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2012 21:31
Subject:  Wind
        We had a bit of wind today. I was not in the house when it happened. So I cant tell you how much noise a tree falling on the roof makes. There was little damage to the roof only one third shingle to be replaced on the edge of the roof. 

        I cut all the branches and tree top to the edge of the roof. Then I tied the tree to the birch tree and cut below the rope. 

        I then slid the roof end of the tree to the front of the house and let it go. The rest of the tree came crashing down. The side wall has two major windows and I did not want the top to break any of them. The rest was routine with Marg helping to remove all the branches to the burn pile. We will have two 12 foot logs for the sawmill,  another one for posts and rest for fire wood. I guess that tree was over 60 feet tall and 24 inches at the but.

        I had tied the ladder to the birch tree because I knew that when I cut the tree attached to the birch, the ladder would jerk backward sending me and the chainsaw 15 feet to the ground. The kids tree house is history.
        cheers,    lou

From: Dan Kenny
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 14:28
Subject: Photos for FARTS

This might fit under the Miscellaneous section.

In fall of 1992 (or perhaps spring 93..the memory fades), the Canadian High Commission team put many years of futility behind them and won the US Softball league championship.  Two former ELs on that team.

That’s Pete’s son in the front row too.


From: Leger Roy [iodinia (at)]
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2011 18:34

This was a BMW ad in the Maclean's magazine that I am a subscriber to.  I am sure it is only in my magazine.  How they are able to insert any name in a mass produced issue is beyond comprehension.  I was never contacted on the subject by Maclean's.  Isn't technology wonderful.  I am sure if you check a Maclean's magazine on the newstands that my name will not appear on it.  It was inserted between pages 14 and 15 in the Nov. 14. 2011 issue.  Sidney Crosby's picture is on the front cover.

From: Roly Mailloux
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2011 21:41
Subject: European Cycling Tour 2011

Dear Family and Friends,
On Wednesday morning, May 25th, I will be leaving for an 8.5 week cycling trip in Europe. I will be flying to Amsterdam to begin cycling along the Rhine and the Danube with a sidetrip to Brussels. I hope to cycle as far as the Black Sea. If successful, my trip will cover over 4000 kms. I will be returning from Istanbul to Montreal on July 25th. 

While I'm away I would ask you to stop sending any joke and non essential e-mails. Thank you.
I will also be writing a blog at " " if you would like to keep abreast of my travels.

From: Dan Burns
Sent: January-15-11 06:04
Subject: On a roll in 1944 T6

This was truly the highlight of my trip to Florida!  There is nothing (even a Duc!) that sounds better than the gurgle of a T6.   What a treat to fly.  Another addition to the bucket list.

All the best in 2011.  


January 5 2011

Ray Fortin has received a message from Jerry Proc announcing a new book published by the Radio Society of Great Britian

"INSIDE ENIGMA: The Secrets of the ENIGMA Machine and other Historic Cipher Machines." for information.

Sent: Monday, January 03, 2011 10:27
Sending you a photo of me splitting my firewood...with the log size and the fact that it was also very much green it took a lot more energy to split those...anyway, it took me 7 hrs over two mornings to split everything and pile it all nicely back...this lot will suffice me for next year...but will continue to cut with my chain saw to put more in reserve as my brother in law has many more trees to be cut to axe is an 8 lbs splitting axe from Princess`s marvellous and as long as I can I will do a Lou Bérubé and not buy myself a log splitter...for me it`s better than going to the gym...alone there with my job site radio sitting on the top of the oil drum on the right, with my thermos of coffee and packed lunch is my happiness...really...I'm 15 lbs lighter than last September and now aiming for another 5 or more this year...which will bring me to l80 lbs...and from there work towards the 175 which will be just great for my old age...
Cheers, Ray

From: Bill Rabbie  

Sent: Saturday, September 25, 2010 17:27
Subject: Marthe Rabbie Obit;
I would like to thank the OFARTS website for putting the obit.
For my wife Marthe on display. ../obituaries/Rabbie/Rabbie.htm


I received notes from people I have not heard or seen in 30 years!!
I am remaining in our home in Wellington as long as am able.
I have to try and stay ahead of the cancer bug which seems to like me!
Again many thanks..
Greetings to all ..William (Bill) Rabbie

From: Maurice and Donna Rainbow 

Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 8:29 AM
Subject: Pictures from Ivujivik
It has been a busy week in Invujivik.

Donna and I started the week by climbing to the top of the cliff behind our house. We found an easier way than climbing the face of the cliff. The left picture shows our village. The large brown and cream coloured house in the foreground is our place. The long green building just behind it is the school.


The right picture shows Digges Island in the background. When we returned to the village we were talking to the husband of out Centre Director. Matussi said we should take a gun next time because a wolf had been sited on the cliff a few days ago. I said that there were two of us and we made a lot noise. He only answered with two make a bigger meal than one, take a gun next time. 

Donna and I were also able to take part in the Nunavik Adventure Challenge pilot program arranged by the Regional Government, it was lots of fun. It was a week long program that included Kayaking, mountain climbing, repelling, and mountain biking across the tundra. I was not able to take part in the activities during the week but did take part in the race on Saturday Sept 11. The race included kayaking, trekking across the tundra, climbing up to the zip line and then taking it across a lake. Then we had to run/walk across the tundra to the next transition point at which to switched to Mountain bikes for the remainder of the race. Donna and I were the oldest to take part and although we did not set any records, we did finished the race.


In the Nunavik Adventure Challenge each team had two participants and both had to cross the finish line together. I am sorry I did not take advantage of the practice runs that happened during the week but the final run was fun. Cost was covered by the regional government so all we had to do is show up and have fun. The kids look at us a little differently now that we took part of the adventure like them and crossed the finish line. We may be slower but we did try and we did not give up.
The weather is changing now and we may have snow before the end of next week.

If you are interested, use either of these web addresses to get more information.


From:   Lou Berube 

Sent: Saturday, August 07, 2010 11:53 PM
Subject: Fw: Connolly's
        We visited the Connolly's in PEI. We had dinner in a Lebanese restaurant and then went to the racetrack to loose a few dollars and drink a few pints. As you can see they are both well. When we met them at the house, she was cutting the grass and he was in his workshop working on a power supply.
        Cheers,    lou

From: Terrance Hayes
Sent: Monday, July 05, 2010 12:10 PM
Subject: Shaw Photo Share - Canada Day 2010
We are already in our new house for two months and most of the work is done. Now we need to tackle the outside but this is going to take much longer unless we get some expensive professional help.
Follow this link to the Photo Share.
If you need a password use Suzanne


From: Lou Berube
Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2010 10:58 PM
Subject: Today's Earthquake

        Here are some pictures of the mess that greeted us today. Nothing major broken but a lot of sorting out with tons of loose stamps on the floor. I am glad I was not here when it happened. Some broken dishes and glasses, pictures were off the walls, I would hate to see a 7 earthquake. The wine racks were OK but lots of broken jars, luckily, no full ones. Tons of nails, screws and bolts on the floor in the shed and the same to a lesser extent in the garage. The furniture was moved around. The chimney looks ok. We have not heard if the dam has been damaged 5 km up river. It will be a while before things get back to normal.
        Cheers,    lou

Val-des-Bois, about 68 kilometres north of Ottawa, was designated as the epicentre of the earthquake that rattled the region Wednesday afternoon by the U.S. Geological Survey.

Read more:

From: David Smith 
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2010 11:40 AM
Subject: CM stud books in Colour - new link
OK, I've built a new album. The new URL is: 
It's a private album so only folks that click on that link will be able to view it.
Cheers OM
Sent: Sunday, April 04, 2010 10:11 PM
I am the widow of Michael Maydaniuk who passed away July 21, 1995, at Kamloops, BC, from Cancer.
He was my husband for 36 years. He was involved in the corporate world since he left External Affairs, many eons ago
We first moved to Edmonton for five years, and then to BC in 1976.
We always missed all of you, because our days with External were the happiest.
I will be back in touch with more history later.
WHERE did the time go?
Thanks for the site, its great. I have been looking for some of you for years.
I use my maiden name (Corbett)
Doreen M. Corbett Esq., U.E., FCSI.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Lind 

Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2009 18:39
Don Butt
It is fitting that 22 April is a Old FARTS day!  Would you please buy a round for everyone on my behalf on OldFARTS Day, and I'll make it up to you when I'm next in Ottawa? 
You might recall these DON and DAN stories:
We went sailing in my boat on the Ottawa River c. 1974 and capsized the thing right in the middle.  We managed to right it after awhile, and get back to shore.  We pulled the boat out of the water, and went to my cottage in Quebec to drink G & Ts.
Another time in Aylmer, Don came over in the middle of winter in his Austen Mini, which he said could go through more snow than my Datsun truck.  It couldn't, and he spent the night in Quebec.
Don replaced me in Saigon.  I met him on the tarmac as he got off the plane, purple jeans, tie-died shirt, hair all over the place:  I don't think either of us remembered much more than that.

From: Terrance Hayes
Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2009 14:15
Subject: April 1

When I arrived in Paris, it finished what was an almost wholesale turnover of embassy technical staff. Only Roy Lewis, the Sr EL remained. Leger Roy had arrived just weeks before me and was still searching for a place to live. Techs were not very popular around the Comm Centre at that time.

With the passing of time things vastly improved, so much so that we often went out for Friday lunches with our operator colleagues.

On our first April 1 in Paris Ray Boisvert and several of his colleagues came into our office and asked me to tell Leger that a Mr. Lyon called and left a message for him to call; that he was visiting Paris and would like to talk. I knew immediately, by the interest this group showed, that it was an April first prank.

I dutifully scribbled a note and left it on Legers desk.

When Leger came in he questioned the note and with curiosity asked what time the call came in and, more to himself, tried to figure out who Mr Lyon was. He came up with a name of some he knows with a similar name and asked me if that was maybe the name. I replied that he had a French accent and that maybe I heard the name wrong. That the fellow seemed to know him and was interested in getting together for a drink. CM's continually poked their head in and out of the office while this played out.

That piqued Leger's interest and he dialled the phone number. The lady who answered asked who he would like to talk to and he said Monsieur Lyon.

The Lady at the other end of the line said "Mais qui monsieur?  Nous avons eu 6 appels qui demandaient a parler a monsieur lion ce matin." "Mais non, monsieur, c'est un zoo."

While Leger was on the phone a crowd of CM's worked their way into the office and were very jubilant at pulling off this prank.

Leger took it very well.

-----Original Message-----
From: Terrance Hayes
Sent: Saturday, March 28, 2009 12:15
Subject: Fixed Retirement Income

Four old retired guys are walking down a street in Punta Gorda, Florida after a morning of golf.  They turn a corner and see a sign that says, “Old Timers Bar - all drinks 10 cents”.

They look at each other, and then go in, thinking this is too good to be true. The old bartender says in a voice that carries across the room,  "Come on in and let me pour one for you! What'll  it be, Gentlemen?"

There seemed to be a  fully-stocked bar, so each of the men ordered a  martini. In short order, the bartender serves up four iced martinis...shaken, not stirred, and  says, 'That'll be 10 cents each, please. Help yourselves to the free chicken wings, BBQ'd ribs and salad." 

The  four men stare at the bartender for a moment.   Then look at each other...They can't  believe their good luck. They pay the 40 cents,  finish their martinis, and order another round.

Again, four excellent martinis are  produced with the bartender again saying,  'That's 40 cents, please." They pay the 40  cents, but their curiosity is more than they can stand.  They have each had two martinis each and, so far, they have spent less than a dollar in total.  Finally one of the men says, 'How can you afford to serve martinis as good as these for a dime a piece?"

"I'm a retired tailor from Boston" , the  bartender said, "and I always wanted to own a bar.  Last year I hit the Lottery for  $125 million and decided to open this place.  Every drink costs a, liquor,  beer, it's all the same."

Wow!!!! That's  quite a story, says one of the men.

The  four of them sipped at their martinis and  couldn't help but notice seven other people at the far end of the bar who didn't have drinks in  front of them while eating the ribs and wings. One man gestures at the seven at the end of the bar and asks the bartender, "What's with them?"

The bartender says, 'Oh, they're retired old farts from Foreign Affairs up in Canada. They come in every Wednesday 'bout noon and wait for happy hour when drinks are half price."

From: Roly
Subject: Roly_PlayaDelCoco140309.JPG
Date: Sat, 14 Mar 2009 11:56:24 -0400
Hi Guys,
Well after sitting 3 hours on the runway in Ottawa waiting for clearance from air traffic control in Newark, NJ, we finally managed to take off. The reason for the delay, they explained,  was due to very high winds in Newark making it difficult for planes to land safely and things were really backed up. Control didn't want us to arrive in Newark and add to all the planes circulating overhead waiting to land. Needless to say I missed 2 connecting flights to Atlanta but was able to get on a third flight which got me into Atlanta at midnight. I had plenty of time to make my connecting flight to Liberia, Costa Rica, as it wasn't scheduled to depart until 10:20. I just had to find a way to kill 10 hours or so. I managed to find an all night fast food joint in concourse C (I was in concourse D) and after walking over there got something to eat. Then I found a quiet spot and stretched out on some benches and managed to doze off for a couple hours. Around 5 AM I was able to find a Delta staff and was told my flight for Costa Rica was departing from D2, which of course, was way over on the other side of town. I was the first one at gate D2 at 7:00 AM when the gate crew arrived. Checked in - made myself comfortable - and proceeded to wait another 3 hours for boarding. Around 8 the gate crew annouced there was a change in the departure gate and that we would now be taking off from D33 which was at the opposite end of concours D. Bloody HELL!!! I had been up on my feet (more or less) for over 24 hours. I dragged my ass over to D33. This killed another half hour. At 9 the gate crew announced there were seats available in first class at $150. I rushed over to the counter only to find there were already a dozen people in front of me. Would I get a 1st class seat or not. I really needed the extra leg room, etc just so I could relax and maybe catch a little more shut eye before arriving in Liberia. I got lucky. There was still a seat available for me and a window seat to boot. I gladly paid the extra money. Once again my flight was delayed by 50 mins or so due to the plane having arrived late from Timbucktoo or some such place. Eventually we were given th  OK to takeoff. As I had expected I was able to stretch out and doze off for a couple hours in between drinks, hot towels, lunch (filet mignon), movie, etc. Fortunately  the young fellow in the seat next to me was an experienced flyer (turns out he is a pilot for Air Canada and flies out of Atlanta). Anyway we arrived in Liberia at 2:35 PM about 15 mins behind schedule. Must have had a tailwind. Local time was 12:35 outside temp 91 F. Getting off the plane was like stepping into a blast furnace. Fortunately it was only a short walk to the non-airconditionned terminal. But there was one big honking ceiling fan slowly turning and trying to keep the air circulating. It is the biggest ceiling fan I have ever seen and I am told it is called "Big Ass Fan". Note to self - be sure and get a picture of fan on the way out. I made it through passport control without any problems and proceeded to wait for my bags to arrive on the conveyer belt. Well after waiting over half an hour there was no sign of my suitcase and my golf clubs. Guess they didn't have enough time to make the connecting flights...duh!!! Anyways, after filling out the necessary missing luggage forms I was informed that there was another flight coming in later on in the evening at 6:30 and that my bags would most likely be on it. Dennis, my brother, was anxiously waiting for me at arrivals. He asked a terminal staff if there was anyone left inside from flight DL353. "Yes", she said, "two more". Dennis asked, "Does one of them have a white beard?" "Si" was all she said. Needless to say I was a bit concerned about my missing luggage, especially my golf clubs. How the hell was I going to beat my brother at golf without my golf clubs. Oh well, if I lost, at least I would have a good excuse. We drove into town - about 25 kms - did a little tour down to the beach and eventually arrived at Dennis' humble abode. Had a beer and went off to have a nap. Got up at 5:00. Went in the pool for a quick refreshing dip - had a beer and drove out to the airport once we heard the plane pass overhead at 6:25. Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention that on the way to the airport to pick me up Dennis came across an accident. A humongous semi had clipped a telephone pole or somehow had managed to catch the power lines and knocked out all communications on the western side of Coco. No phones, no cable, no internet, no communications ... just beer!!! We passed by the work crews on the way to the airport. Dennis assured me they would keep on working through the night until they had things up and running again. On arrival at the airport the security guy was reluctant to allow me to go in and look for my bags. He eventually called the supervisor over who escorted me in and there were my bags. They looked a little beat up but intact. I was allowed to clear customs and off we went to have dinner at a local restaurant along the highway on the way back to Coco. On the way home we again passed the cable repair guys still beavering away. I wanted to stop and offer them some encouragement - maybe a beer or two would help - but Dennis said it would be best not to stop.
Just wanted to let you all know that I've arrived safely and so far the weather is cooperating. Mind you they could turn it down a notch or two ... this is bloody hot ... oh well will just have to have another cold one and try and keep cool.

Cheers, Roly
From: Louis Cote
Subject: Email address change

Received: Friday, November 28, 2008, 7:38 AM
Hi to everyone!!!!!!
As most of you know by now, we've opened a restaurant "REBARCE" (means "RIBS").  The specialities of the house are: ribs, chicken wings, and pork knuckles, plus the regular Serbian food.
It was lots of work during the renovations and now lots of hours...(so much for retiring :)))).
Anyway for those of you that will be in the Ottawa area during the Holidays, I'll be ther between Dec 24 - Jan 15.  So if anybody would like to get together for a pivo or two, send me an email.
Cheers to all..........L
From: Sanderson, Dave -LDN -IT
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 10:32 AM
Subject: The End of an Era?
It is with great sadness that I report the possible closure forever of the Red Lion Pub on Waverton Street, London.
This Wednesday will be the last day it is open for at least eight weeks. There is some construction work going on next door to underpin the wall beside the pub and for structural safety reasons the pub needs to close. 
However there is apparently an offer placed on the building that is being considered and should it be sold there are no guarantees it will continue afterwards as the pub that has been a place of refuge for so many ELs (and a new batch of CS's) over the past several years. The IT section and several of the CDLS staff will be there tomorrow to do our part in emptying the kegs. 
Can someone advise the FARTS who were in LDN and were known to frequent the place, namely Ron Cooke, Don Cole and Bill Rabbie. Jim Rogers might have been there from time to time as well. Horace Hurlburt's account is in the process of being migrated so I couldn't include him in this either.
Dave Sanderson

From:  Lou Berube

ent: Friday, April 18, 2008 23:10
Subject: Flooding on the Lièvre
        We were told to expect a lot of water. The le Lievre basin is full and the province has ordered the opening of the dams. The water is one foot below the top of the well and the electrical outlet is 8 inches above that. Once the water reaches the outlet, the breaker will trip and we will be sans water. A beaver dam has let go and flooded the road. The picture does not do justice to the condition of the road as the truck went through. Only Marg's screams which would have been heard at quite a distance would have given any indication of the precariousness of the truck, the new truck about to be washed down the embankment.
        Stay tuned for the next episode, cheers, lou

Moe Rainbow < sent us an interesting message and pictures Thursday, April 17, 2008 15:04 Read About them.

From: Leger Roy 
Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2008 01:37
Subject: Travel 

Hi Stan, 
As a means of enhancing her income, daughter Lorraine is moonlighting as a travel agent. I have therefore been asked by my ever loving wife and my daughter Lorraine if I would mind passing on to you and the OFARTS her web site. Please be assured that I personally do not wish anyone to feel obligated to do business with my daughter Lorraine. However, anyone inclined to do so would be appreciated. and   for email

From:  Lou Berube
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 15:47
Subject:  Lou's New Truck
        Here is my new truck,  a few bucks plus my old one. It is a 2006 GMC Sierra, 2500 HD, about 41,000 km, 1111 hours on the motor, a bit high, 4X4, 16 inch wheels,  6 L engine, long box, 128 L. gas tank, towing package and enough toys and gadgets to please any wife. It should be able to take the 10,000 lbs fifth wheel anywhere. The only snag is that it was purchased during the biggest stock market crash of 2008.
        Cheers, lou

From: Chuck Dowsing 
Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2008 14:49
Subject: RE: Winter Scenes in Val des Monts   (Paris)
In case we have forgotten, it will come to pass. Taken this morning it should make us all feel better.


From:  Lou Berube 

Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2008 13:07
Subject: Winter Scenes in Val des Monts
        This latest storm has brought us closer to the record. The 50 km / hour wind has compacted the snow making it easy to shovel and the -15 degrees made it nice and dry for the snowblower. We shall overcome.
        Cheers, lou 

From: David Smith
Sent: Thursday, February 23 2008 URL updated June 10, 2010
Subject: CM "Stud Book" photos in Colour
The final group of photos which were scanned from the CM "Stud Books" are now on the Web.

The most recent update is at: 
David Smith
drdee (at)
From: David Smith [drdee  (at)]
Sent: Friday, February 08, 2008 16:18
Subject: Photos

Ray Fortin spent an inordinate amount of time converting a book of old negatives to digitized B&W photos.  I now have them sorted and have created five albums per below.
I would be grateful if you would send this to all our CM colleagues (The EL website has links as well) in the hope that they can identify some of the "unknowns" - I don't think any are CM's or EL's. I am still missing a few first names so I would appreciate anyone with further infomation letting me know.
These photos cover those who joined in the 60's up to and including 1971.  A couple of EL colleagues were the photographers and it's suspected that the purpose was for passport purposes since we didn't use ID cards in those days prior to our move to the Pearson building.  It is thought that the CR's worked in the mail room which came under the Comms division which accounts for their being in "our book".   I have also included an album of those "associated" with the Comms division -  the old-timers will recognize these folks.
Thanks David Smith 

EL, CM, CR and “Unknown” photos are now on David Smith’s Webshots page

These albums are private so you will need these URL’s to return to these albums in the future.     EL photos on the web   CM photos on the web    CR photos on the web    Associated with Comms Division

Fm: Ray Palmer <palmer (at)> wrote:
Sad to hear Don Butt is in the hospital. Thanks for your good work on our OFARTS website!  Say 'hi' to everyone that shows at lunch.


From: peter mason  (Peter's email address is in the address list)
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2008 11:02
Subject: Intecsec Remnants
Hello Stan,
So glad that I've been able to sort out my problems with your address.  I think its all down to me and finger trouble and perhaps what we call "senior moments"!!!
So, sorry that I didn't succeed in replying to your most welcome message of 20 October.  At the time I was having trouble with my computer,  then I went off to Spain, got back just before Christmas, big family party at home, New Year, etc, etc.  (Excuses excuses!!!).  Anyway I bought myself a new laptop with all the latest whistles and bells  (which no doubt became out of date as soon as I opened the box).  Ain't this modern stuff magic?  I spent my whole working life in communications and electronics and I still think its all magic.
It was wonderful to learn from Hannah Lewis that you had asked for my E-Mail address and to be remembered after all these years.  I feel slightly humbled.  I have enjoyed  looking at the OFARTS website, seeing many of my old friends from Canada and remembering the good times we had here in the UK, at various posts overseas and your wonderful hospitality on my visits to Ottawa.  This message gives me the opportunity to wish a belated Happy New Year and good health to you and all who have survived the passing years since we last met.  I have a wee dram by my hand as I type this and I pause to raise it in honour of all of you.
Its over nineteen years since I retired and I have to say that I've enjoyed every day of them.  I keep telling the world that there's never been a better time to be retired and I'm not sure that it will ever be as good again.  My ambition on retiring was to potter - and that's what I have done.  I've had a house in France where my daughter lives but now I have one in Spain where my eldest son lives.  So me and my beloved spend a lot of time there.  We sold our old cottage in Stoke Bruerne eight years ago and now live in Towcester.  Principal hobbies are painting, photography, Bridge, and difficult crosswords.
By and large I enjoy good health though a few bits don't move as well as they used to do.  I still manage 18 holes of golf now and then though these days I need a buggy!!  Priscilla is struggling a lot with back problems and legs that don't work very well but we both count ourselves very lucky to be here.
I used to keep in touch with Russ Scott and Flora and was very saddened by the loss of both.  I missed sending my usual Christmas card to Ron Cooke this year
but tell him I have't forgotten him and Mary.
I attach a (fairly) recent photograph of myself in case I bump into anyone on the street who only remembers what I used to look like!!!!
My very best regards
Peter Mason

From:  Lou Berube 
Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2008 15:35
Subject:  Technology Trophy 
        I have made a trophy to be given to an OLD FART to honour the technological event of the month. The recipient will keep it for a maximum of 4 weeks and will decide who should get it next. It could be passed on just after a week if event warrants it. Of course, should the deserving OLD FART live outside the region, he will be responsible for the shipping cost.
        I just could not let all these technical happenings go unrewarded. It should be ready for next Wednesday and will be given to??????????????????????
        Cheers, lou 

From: Lou Berube
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2008 12:50
Subject: Satellite TV
        If Mohamed does not come to the mountain, the mountain goes to the Mohamed. Marg, in her wisdom, quit Bell Expressview with its satellite up in the sky for Starchoice with its satellite low in the sky. Needless to say, we lost reception after the first snow storm. So I climbed and they climbed to clear the snow off the roof. They offered a solution, a longer mast for $75. Being frugal, even with her money, I rigged the extension ladder so I could reach their installation. It took them a 40' ladder to do the initial installation. I do not have one. So up I went,  took off the dish, installed an 18" extension using a 2" X 6" and had them come back with their ladder and reinstalled the dish. She now has decent reception. My set up will stay there until spring just in case we get another 4' of snow.
        Cheers, lou

From: Bill Rabbie
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2008 12:20
Greetings Ray;
You can post this or not, I look a bit different than the
young fellow you have a picture of!!
Anyhow this is my wife Marthe and self taken at Wellington-on-the-Lake
in the summer at our retirement community.
Happy New Year to you and your family.
All the best for 2008.
Bill Rabbie


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