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East Coast Photos

-----Original Message-----
From: Maurice [mailto:mdcolours (at)]
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2007 14:31
To: Stan Fockner
Subject: New Pictures
Afternoon Stan,
I just uploaded two pictures of Bedford basin from our place just to prove that Halifax does have sun sometimes. As you can see the sail boats come out to play when the sun is shining.
Hope you are enjoying the summer. We may be in Ottawa later this summer, if so hope to see you then.

-----Original Message-----
From: John [mailto:raschkjh(at)]
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2007 11:23
To: Savant ITC
Subject: Re: Anzac Day Lunch
Hi Stan, was great to see all the guys there on Thursday. Wish I would have been there earlier. Had lunch with Gary Morgan the next day, he is slowly adjusting to retirement. Like for all of us, the transition experience can be trying. I tried  my best to give him some advice. He looked fit and well though. 
I am attaching a picture of "So Bee It" my 20ft inboard/outboard motorboat. She is powered by a 185HP GM V6 motor and does 35 MPH plus easily. Which is fast on the water. Mind you she takes 100 ltrs to fill up. Rather a shock after a sailboat.

Happy Easter 2007 from Moe and Donna Rainbow - Bedford NS


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