Miscellaneous OFARTS Photos
From: Terrance Hayes June 01, 2012
Was going through the photo gallery and noticed my name is missing from the Bonn Softball team. Missing from the Paris broomball team because I took the photo. Below is one of our teams from Beirut. We played two seasons each year. We were called the Colonials because we picked up a couple of Aussies but also filled in with a few players who needed a team to play with. One of the players went on to be an Ambassador. One season we had a player called Peter Jennings who became a well-known broadcaster; he only played one or two games. We had a player who was a reporter from Newsweek as well but his name escapes me. We had a Lebanese player who could pitch but couldn't throw overhand and wasn't much of a fielder either. A Canadian priest who was teaching in Lebanon. Interesting place but about to blow up near the end of our tour.
In addition to Ron Cooke, Tim Sullivan and a bearded Terry Hayes, this team iced Roger Bull who married Bob Rickman's wife and the infamous Frank Sale
From: John Raschkh
Don Cole June 2010 and his "Catch of the day" in Edmonton
And below at the convocation
Paris Broomball Team (by TG Hayes)
the Bonn softball teams; of interest because Ken Caverly, Ron Abernathy, Terry
Hayes and Mike
Perault were playing.
Ron Cooke, Lionel Julian, Roger Banville, Terry Satchell
Barry, Terry, Doug and Barrie
Ron Cooke receiving a handmade "70th Birthday" clock from Lou Berube on June 2, 2007
(Night photography by Ed Graham)
Colombo Telephone Hookup (Credit R. F. Cooke)
A post-TSIWG course gathering.
The photo above was taken in Seoul when Ray and I visited. Ester Gardner (bless her soul) arranged for us to visit Pan Mon Jom, the UN supervised truce site. Here we dined with the Swiss General and joined an American tour that entered the Quonset hut where the belligerents met to settle truce violations. The hut straddles the border and you can cross into North Korea inside the building. It was very interesting visit because the Americans and South Koreans were posted on the South Korean side and the North Koreans and Chinese were posted on the North Korean side. The hateful stares from the North Korean side were almost frightening. The photo was take Feb 2/82. - T. G. (Terry) Hayes
Terry Hayes submitted this undated photo above of Don Cole taken visiting the National Maritime Museum in San Francisco.
I think these three photos of Don Cole, Clive England me and Don were taken in 1987. I remember Don doing the tests for word processor leaks and he recovered something that looked like pages of Arabic or Iranian text. We knew it wasn’t ours, so didn’t investigate further.
This Bonn photo was was from the enclosure refurbishing in 1986 or 1987; we had a large crew of Brits and our radiation testing team. There was also a team of CM’s training Bonn staff on new equipment.
Hugh Elliott, Stan Dabrowski, John Clark, Stan Fockner, Jim Rogers (East Block -1968)
John Grace, Ron Cooke, Viburt Smith (Langevin Block Tech Training -1968)
Ron Cooke Receiving his 25 Year Award from Director T. E. (Buck) Arbuckle December 21, 1982
Bill Gooch in Retirement
© OFARTS Canada 2006 Old Foreign Affairs Retired Technicians, Canada