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EL Pre-Posting Lunch - July 1993 (Mike Mowatt)

All is well here in Mexico - always busy, but the weather is damn near perfect.
I was browsing through an old file folder here, cleaning up, and ran across some photos that I thought you may enjoy.
They were taken at an EL posting lunch in summer 1993. I had just returned from TD in Lusaka the night before, managed to wake up in time to buy a disposable camera, and get to the lunch.

There's also a great story about the "video camera" you see in Earl Wattie's photos that I (or Earl) may just have to tell sometime.

They're not the greatest scans (as the originals weren't very good), but you should be able to recognize some faces. And of course we were all so much younger then ...

Hope you are able to use them on OFARTS !

Cheers, and be happy to hear from you when you've got a chance.
Michael Mowatt 

(And, with a bit of Picasa wizardry ... here is July 1993 - Stan)


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