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2010 Telecom Reunion

Friday October 24 Photos (59)         Saturday October 25 Photos (101)

To: Telecom Colleagues and Friends
Fm: Barrie Thomas
Ref: 5-year Reunion
Subj: The 2010 Telecom Reunion rook place on Saturday September 25th 2010.

Location: Kanata Golf and Country Club , 

(The club house is 2 blocks east of Kanata Avenue at 7000 Campeau Drive, Kanata Ontario)

Time: Bar Opened 4PM, Buffet Dinner 7PM (Click for Menu)

Registration: $47 per person (Click for Registration Process)

Details: Many responses to the initial email questionnaire favored a one-day event while others wanted the same two-day format of two previous reunions. After careful consideration and extensive consultation it was decided that the main 2010 Reunion would be held on one day so that facility rental costs could be minimized. 

However, because the first day of the previous reunions were so well attended, a workaround was found that allowed everyone to get together for a reasonably priced drink and a chat Friday September 24th before the main event on the Saturday...... 

Many of you know the Old Farts (Foreign Affairs Retired Techs) meet at the Eastview Legion every Wednesday at 11:30 AM with their CM, CS, CR, AS colleagues. This seemed to be an appropriate venue for a casual gathering of whoever wanted to attend on Friday September 24th. We shared the space with members of the Legion but there was enough room for everyone.

Barrie Thomas or 613-248-1441



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